Saturday, November 15, 2008


The last several times that I had planned a morning walkabout, my hopes had been squashed by unwelcome precipitation. Even though rain had settled in on us for the last couple days. I had my alarm set for zero dark thirty this morning in hopes that the mist and drizzle would subside for just a little while.

Just as the black outside my window was starting to turn to a slightly less black, my four year old strode into the bedroom to tell his mother that he was up. She very nicely reminded him that daddy wanted to get up early today to go out with his camera, so he walked around the bed and put his little hand on my shoulder.

Gently shaking me, "Daddy, do you still want to get up early?"

I trained my ear to the outdoors and could hear the rain thumping on the roof of the shed in the yard. Like an unwanted house guest that didn't know when to leave, the rain was really starting to annoy me. I peeled my eyelids back, and sat up on the edge of the bed, contemplating a plan of action. "Get back under the quilt and go back to sleep" was leading in the polls, but "Get your butt up and go out shooting anyways" came up from behind to score the surprise victory.

I got myself dressed, and threw a few logs into the wood stove. Grabbing my camera bag and tripod, I stopped at the refrigerator for a can of Coke to infuse my system with some much needed caffeine. As I walked out the front door, I was greeted by the cold, wet, dark air. Going back to bed was sounding better, but I was already this far. No sense turning back now.

I haven't shot in three days now, and my trigger finger was getting itchy. Speaking of shooting, to top it all off, it's deer season too, and I'm out in the dark dressed in black. I'm going to have to be careful out in those woods.

Scott Bulger Photography

Scott Bulger Photography

Scott Bulger Photography

“I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”
Thomas Jefferson 1762-1826


Garrity Photography said...

I am really enjoying your blogs Scott, not only for the beautiful photos you post but your narrative always brings the entire scene alive:o) Your horse photo makes me want to hold my breath so I don't spook it. Your rain drop one is fascinating as I love your perspective and your attention to detail is so beautiful and inspiring. I have been fascinated with raindrops since I was a kid. I can see that print hanging in my house. Many kudoes to you for getting out to shoot and not going back to bed.

Plamena Markova-Koleva said...

ok, my first comment here... i have no idea what to say just because i can't stop watching these wonderful photos!

Waywestsg said...

Your photos are impeccable! What camera do you use? Thanks for some great photos with my morning coffee.

S-V-H said...

The photos are beautiful, Scott!

I loved also your description of your inner fight to get up-or not! :)

I "recognize" the quote too :)

Anonymous said...

just proves even in bad weather you can get great shots!

Anonymous said...


Well worthwhile struggling out of bed! I love those photos ... but Coke in the morning???! Yuk! ... lol

Thanks for the blog!


High Desert Diva said...

Ah...but the rain is magic, isn't it?

Wonderful wet photos.

Sherry said...

Now those photos were woth getting out of bed for.

My Inspired Reality said...

Scott, I enjoy your writing and photography. Well worth getting up:):)

Kim Caro said...

The morning dew has never looked so beautiful to me before till the last photo...or even if it rained...

Anonymous said...

Yo go Master Po! These are fantastic. Love the first. I love how I can barely see the trees in the fog, sweet. So that's how a horse in fog should appear? Beats mine by a long shot! Love the detail in the other two. Your the shit Scott, no doubt about it.

Profile Not Available said...

The Thomas Jefferson quote is perfect. I like the last photo, of the dew on moss (?) very much!

Will Michael Photography said...

Awesome shots, buddy!

gbulger1 said...

Fantastic shots pops, and bravo on having the ability to get up at 4 with Burke. Just one question though, where in walking distance to the house, did you find that horse?

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CancunCanuck said...

Beautiful post Scott, the story and the photos bring it all together, thank you. :)

Purple Cat said...

Those shots are sublime, especially the one just above the quotation (an excellent quotation I have to say!) Great blog
I'm glad to have discovered it!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love those last two photos, and completely sympathize with the struggles of early morning shoots and developing withdrawal during bad weather.